Sailing over Troubled Waters ~ PERFECT STORM by R. M. Simone’ ‘Johnny Depp defamation Win’

PERFECT STORM: Sailing through the Storm.

It’s not a typical non fiction Law/Defamation book. This book was JD’s PERFECT STORM and his ultimate challenge to restore himself. Court was his solution.

IT”S A HOLLYWOOD CELEB Pop Culture story and how he was ‘a b u s e d’ and got his career, reputation and financial life almost RUINED fully if he had not decided to fight the allegations and go after the lies and narrative spread on this false reality spun at him.

Book focuses on WHY this relationship came about and why he stuck with it as it went TOXIC.

It also delves into the ‘he said’, ‘she said’, and the actual RECORDINGS of their arguments. You be the judged of who was telling the honest truth of the dynamics that played out between this couple.

And the TRIAL was 6-weeks LIVE BROADCASTED DAILY.   Unbelievable on the TRUE nature of what he imparted and what her story was.

Further the WITNESSES were beyond priceless as they were part of something in their own day to day lives unfolding.

Fascinating and SET THIS MAN FREE of a false narrative the Hollywood scene tried with the channels and social media to SPIN against him and pin on him. It was a matter of his taking it to court and globally listened into. “A b u s e” happens to men too and in this matter, Jury agreed and the Public that watched daily too found Johnny to be the victim trying to stay afloat and keep sane while this was raging against him in the relationship. Hollywood will devour their ‘own’ at times. A Rising starlett and LOVE and Romance that seemed to be Ideal and yet, toxic and volatile and we had a front row seat to watch, listen to and evaluate on our own.

PERFECT STORM is just that and his SAILING through his troubled Waters.

Domestic Violence does not have a Gender.

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