ONE KISS ~ R.M. Simone’ One Night Only, No Names, and Rites of Passage Plan

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I’m a Fan Fiction fan and writer there.  LOVE, love, love TWILIGHT and the characters are golden.  I began a story line working with BELLA and paths crossing of an unexpected nature of EDWARD, that later turns into a full life challenge.  Love and career movement upon college graduation.

Bella careful had her ‘list’ of ‘how to’ make her steps and this included moving from Oregon college life with her BFF and job interviews set-up and a new city to find an apartment to co-share live in.  Oh, it also involved taking care of this little additional matter.  Bella was still a ‘virgin’ upon this age of twenty-two and that had to be remedied.  A social sex club offered her solution.   Rites of Passage and taking that off her ‘list’.   That was her plan.

She never planned on who this guy was to aid her passage or that he was placed there on her interview path.  Oh, then there was the part of people ‘knowing’ people.  It all collapsed on Bella along with these new freed sexual desires of passion and carnal attraction.

Did I mentioned the DRAGON DREAM she had?  Oh, there’s a lot packed into this fast paced story and in novel one.

On FAN FICTION this story has over 30,000 views and over 300 amazing reviews.  It’s now up for PUBLISHING and will follow with novel two and novel three.

from R.M. Simone’

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BBW His Kisses series from R.M. Simone’

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BBW HIS KISSES from R.M. Simone’
A Voyeuristic Fantasy and Vampire romances for Bodacious women only! BBW His Kisses series

Scarlett is drawn to Paris and a dream of her’s is about to come true. Unbeknownst to her, a vampire named Remy and their past lives together, brings about this happening. He waited… He knew her desires and timing for their union was ripe. So was this very odd business proposal. BLACK STARDUST was part of the intoxicating magic around this private club Scarlett was part of. Curvaceous women with desires for romance, a life out of the ordinary and a secret double life existing next to the day to day one.

Interviews coming and Remy had his hand on the pulse of Scarlett’s erotica desires that only he could fulfill.

Sensual, scintillating and beautiful women of another time living out their deepest fantasies.

BBW His Kisses

..books from R.M.Simone’…….
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